Choose your level

For the fresh beginner, or anyone who is in a piano method (Primer Level through Level 5)
For the 7 year old to 90 year old! Anyone can learn to play!
For the player who learned as a child and wants to get back to the piano.
For the student who wants to start playing their favorite songs on Spotify or Apple Music
$50 per half hour weekly
For the student who has graduated from the methods and beginning to study the Sonatinas and standard repertoire
For the Suzuki/Yamaha student who can play past Level 3 repertoire but cannot sight-read.
For the church and pop musician who can read off a chord chart but wants to go further
For the classically trained musician getting into improvisation
For the beginner improviser eager to get deeper
$50 per half hour weekly

For the proficient pop/church musician who is ready to learn advanced improvisation and advanced harmony
For the seasoned pro to improve their technique, applied theory, composition, or arranging chops.
For the intermediate improviser ready to tackle bebop
For the proficient player to explore new genres
For the music production to get one-on-one coaching
For the church music professional to get mentoring and accountability
$100 per hour weekly or bi-weekly